9 members of parliament from Italy, Spain and the Netherlands called to prevent the destruction of the national and cultural…
Another prominent South Azerbaijani political activist; namely Mr. Yurush Mehralibayli has been arrested by Iran’s notorious intelligence service Ettelaat. His…
Another South Azerbaijani political and cultural activist has been found “guilty” by the notorious Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal of the regime…
Firuz Naderi of Dara shor, a Qashqayi Shiraz passed away in the United States on June 9 2023 in a…
32 Lawmakers of the Israeli Parliament-Knesset have appealed to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ensure international support for the…
Video reportage
Mohammad Alimuradi, a prominent film director from South Azerbaijan appealed for help to the victims of the Khoy earthquake. In…
The people of Khoy, South Azerbaijan who have been victim of the most recent earthquakes, protested the indifference of the…
“Erk” Azerbaijan Human Rights Society is considering applying to the UN and UNICEF regarding the danger to the lives of…