This week people of South Azerbaijan and Ardebil, in particular, were shocked by the news of Professor Asgar Pirzadeh’s murder.
Dr.Pirzade was stabbed to death in his residence in Ardebil.

The top cancer specialist was conducting extensive research on cause of cancer outbreak in the province of Ardebil. According to his study of the main water sources, the radioactive contamination of waters is the main cause the cancer outburst in in his home- province and surrounding communities. Dr. Pirzade believed that the situation was deteriorating to the point of an inevitable humanitarian disaster.

Savalan Peak, South Azerbaijan

Savalan Peak, South Azerbaijan

According to the doctor’s relatives, a couple days prior to his death Dr. Pirzadeh visited Tehran’s Nuclear Agency to convince the officials to seal the uranium extraction facilities and open ditches and trenches around Savalan Mountains.
Many believe that Dr. Pirzade has been assassinated by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard or Ettelaat due to his research on Iran’s secretive military nuclear activities.
South Azerbaijan’s main water sources are also polluted by Armenia as it recklessly dispenses its Nuclear Power Plant’s wastes into Aras River which is one of main water sources of Ardebil Province and Azerbaijan Republic.

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