Habib Sasanian also known as Yakamuz has been transferred to the solitary confinement of Tabriz Prison. He was being held along with other Azerbaijani compatriots, Mehdi Javadzadeh, Hamid Saqafi, Babak Avand, Ismail Afkhami and Yunis Rahimi in the solitary cell of the Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence , ETTELAAT and subjected to torture.

They are being accused of establishing an unlawful paramilitary group of The National Army of Southern Azerbaijan. The freedom fighters are being also accused of attempting to utilize non-peaceful means to free south Azerbaijan. YAKAMUZ who is perceived to be the leader of the group is one of whom referred to as ” GAMO gang” by the head of East Azerbaijan Judiciary. The head of East Azerbaijan Judiciary, Mozaffari also alleged that the GAMO members were gathering military and economic intelligence to transfer to “the enemies” of Islamic Republic.
GAMO ( Guney Azerbaycan Milli Ordusu) the National Army of South Azerbaijan was accused of attempting to recruit fighters during the April fights between Azerbaijan and Armenian occupiers in Karabagh.

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