Posted on September 24, 2019, 1:51 pm By South Azerbaijan

The occupying regime of Iran sentenced an Azerbaijani cultural activist Nasim Sadiqi to 6 months in prison.
The 2nd branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tabriz convicted the activist of "anti-islamic propaganda" for her activities on social media and sentenced her to six months imprisonment.
Azerbaijani activist Nasim Sadigi has been subjected to this false accusation, especially in connection with the National Meeting channel, which she runs on the Telegram social network. Nasim Sadigi was tried on September 3 at the Second Division of the Revolutionary Court in Tabriz on charges of “anti-regim propaganda”.She categorically denied the allegations in the trial and said he was engaged in cultural activities within the constitution of the country. Nasim Sadigi was arrested by Sepah Intelligence in October 2018 and released later on bail.
Categories: MEDIA